Wednesday, March 15, 2017

LEAP MRT Eating Plan - Day 3 

Today is the 3rd day I've been on this food sensitivity eating plan. So, it turns out I'm super sensitive to cow's milk... who knew!? The plan is broken down into phases, with phase 1 being my "base" and I have to eat only the foods on that list for 10 days. Then, after that phase I start adding foods from the phase 2 list, one by one, day by day. :-\   This is going to be interesting. Here are my results. 
Tonight's dinner menu plans will include a grapefruit, dill, basil, s&p marinade for tilapia fillets. Then I'll grill the tilapia in our little indoor grill. A mashed broccoli from Martha Stewart that I have to tweak a bit. And then I have left over savory millet that I made 2 days ago. I will heat up the millet in a saucepan with a little grape seed oil and add dried cranberries & chopped pecans as a topping on the millet. Fingers crossed that this dinner will taste good. I'll post pictures of the dishes. :-) 

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