Saturday, April 3, 2010

...and it was good...

Had a great, yet exhausting day today. It was event & smile packed, except for having to spend 30 minutes on the phone with At&t just to confirm that the modem was busted and we'd need to shell out some $$ for a new one, which will arrive by Tuesday. Ahh!! No Internet until then. I have to settle for my iPhone's safari surfing and limited PC time at the viejos' house.

The stadium was packed. FL Marlins vs. Greensboro Grasshoppers. What a game! Game was tied at the bottom of the 9th. Grasshoppers made the tie-breaking run (which some say was given to them, but whatever) and the stadium went wild. The kids were awesome and they had a great time. Burgers afterwards in downtown Greensboro and some quality time at the Center City park with family & friends.

Life is good....thank u God!!!

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