Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 2

I meant to start blogging yesterday, but never got around to it.

Today is day 2 of my cleanse & detox. I'm tweaking it a bit and doing it according to my own needs.
I took my husbands advice and decided to ease into a detox instead of shocking the system.

So, for the first 3 days, I'm just replacing breakfast with a fruit smoothie. A healthy lunch of brown rice, beans and a banana. Afternoon snack of organic yogurt. Greens-packed salad for dinner. Lots of water throughout the day and no strenuous exercise. The next 3 days, I'll replace breakfast with the fruit & protein smoothie. A healthy lunch. A "green-drink" smoothie for dinner. Maybe break it up and have one at 5:30pm and one at 7pm...if I'm feeling too famished. On days 7, 8, and 9 I will only drink water, the green drink and the master cleanse lemonade drink. Yes, that'll definitely be the challenge. I hope I can do it. Then I will work my way back as I went into it. The cleanse will last 15 days.

Starting weight: 162 pounds
Energy level: moderate
Mood: serene & content


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