Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Love my Ladybug. She'll be 12 in 2 weeks; where has the time gone? Here she made a collage with our youngest fur baby, Bentley. Aren't those great selfies? I'm hoping she joins the photography club or the yearbook club next school year, which (gasp!) starts soon as well.

She's been working this week on teaching him a new trick: Lay Down. He's a quick learner and she's a great teacher. She loves all her doggies (4) and I pray her love for animals never dies.

So, we finally finished the next DIY home project that we were working on. Fencing about half of our (very large) back yard for Bentley. He has so much running and playing space now. We are sure he loves his new play area...it's huge!!

On to the next home improvement project.....happy tuesday y'all!!

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